If you have ever asked the question whether you should plants bulbs or not the answer should be a resounding … YES!
I never would have planted bulbs if I hadn’t received some as a gift. In the middle of renovation I really didn’t have the energy to think about it. The gorgeous flowers that pop up at the end of winter and early spring however are worth the effort and forethought.
November is the best time to plant but as long as you get them in the ground by the middle of December you are okay.
Here is the best method I came across. Choose a location and remove the earth from the whole zone. Place the bulbs in a random dense pattern and then cover. I removed the dirt and placed it to the right side of the bed. This is the quickest technique plus you know where the bulbs are as apposed to planting each bulb separately.
- Depth: three times +/- the height of the bulb.
- The bottom of the bulb is the fattest end not the pointy end. If in doubt plant sideways.
- If planting different colors put them in separate bowls so you can keep track of them.
- After you burry them lightly push the soil down to eliminate air around the bulbs.
- Water the bulbs after planting.
- Bulbs look the most natural in a large group randomly positioned.
- Get them in the ground before the end of the year or the ground is frozen.
Here are some wild bluebells I came across when I was digging up the yard. I saved all the bulbs and grouped them around the circle – they come up every year. When the flowers start to die I just cut them at ground level and plant over them.
Here are some daffodils the city has planted around Antwerp.
Crocus are amazing. A total blast of color. They are easy to spot because of their long thin foliage with the thin white stripe down the middle.